1.安装软件包2.文件分发3.添加删除用户,组并将用户加入sudo4.执行系统命令还有很多功能没有测试一、saltstack 安装配置一般测试注意selinux和iptables,最好是关闭selinux 开启iptables但开放相应端口1.1 环境centos 6.2 salt-mastercentos 6.2 salt-minion1.2 Master 安装配置rpm -ivh http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/fedora/epel//6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpmyum -y install salt-mastermaster配置文件简单[root@open-source ~]# cat /etc/salt/master |grep -v "#"|grep -v "^$"interface: #监听地址publish_port: 4505ret_port: 4506pidfile: /var/run/salt-master.pid #file_roots: base: - /srv/salt/pillar_roots: base: - /srv/pillarnodegroups: #可以根据mimion不同分组管理 group1: 'L@foo.domain.com,bar.domain.com,baz.domain.com and bl*.domain.com' group2: 'G@os:Debian and foo.domain.com'添加iptables[root@open-source ~]# iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 4505 -j ACCEPT[root@open-source ~]# iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 4506 -j ACCEPT 启动mater[root@open-source ~]# /etc/init.d/salt-master restart1.3 client 安装配置rpm -ivh http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/fedora/epel//6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpmyum -y install salt-minion[root@open2 ~]# vim /etc/salt/minion master:[root@open2 ~]# /etc/init.d/salt-minion start #启动Starting salt-minion daemon: [ OK ][root@open2 ~]# tail -f /var/log/salt/minion #查看日志1.4 server 端查看连接过来的key[root@open-source ~]# salt-key list Accepted Keys:Unaccepted Keys:open2 #可以看到连接过来的客户端Rejected Keys:1.5 接收客户端key[root@open-source ~]# salt-key -a open2The following keys are going to be accepted:Unaccepted Keys:open2Proceed? [n/Y] YKey for minion open2 accepted.1.6 客户端key存放位置[root@open-source ~]# ls /etc/salt/pki/master/minionsopen21.7 下面是几个测试命令[root@open-source ~]# salt '*' cmd.run "hostname"open2: open2[root@open-source ~]# salt '*' test.pingopen2: True[root@open-source ~]# salt '*' disk.usage二、 salt 常用命令-E 后面正则表达式[root@open-source ~]# salt -E 'open*' test.pingopen2: True不带-E 后面可以带shell正则[root@open-source ~]# salt 'open*' cmd.run 'uname -a' -L 后面可以跟多个客户端[root@open-source ~]# salt -L 'open1,open2,open3' cmd.run 'uname -a' -N 后面可以按组分-L 列出客户端[root@open-source ~]# salt-key -L Accepted Keys:open2Unaccepted Keys:Rejected Keys:cmd.run 一个很强大的命令,可以远程执行shell命令例如:远程简历用户[root@open-source ~]# salt -E 'open2' cmd.run 'useradd testuser'grain 责采集客户端一些基本信息minion基本信息管理salt '*' grains.ls 查看grains分类salt '*' grains.items 查看grains所有信息salt '*' grains.item osrelease 查看grains某个信息pillar# mkdir /srv/pillar/[root@open-source pillar]# cat top.sls base: '*': - data [root@open-source pillar]# cat data.sls info: some data[root@open-source pillar]# salt '*' pillar.data三、 salt-stack安装rpm包及文件分发例如安装LNMP并分发配置文件到各个minion3.1 目录组织结构[root@open-source salt]# tree.├── conf│?? ├── mysql.sls│?? ├── nginx.sls│?? ├── pack.sls│?? ├── php.sls│?? └── software.sls├── mysql│?? └── my.cnf├── nginx│?? └── nginx.conf├── php│?? └── php.ini├── software│?? ├── mysql-5.6.14.tar.gz│?? ├── nginx-1.5.6.tar.gz│?? └── php-5.5.5.tar.gz└── top.sls3.2 建立所需目录,前期准备[root@open-source ~]# cd /srv/salt/[root@open-source salt]# mkdir -p {conf,nginx,php,mysql,software}[root@open-source salt]# cp -p /usr/local/mysql/my.cnf mysql/[root@open-source salt]# cp -p /usr/local/app/nginx/conf/nginx.conf nginx/[root@open-source salt]# cp -p /usr/local/php/etc/php.ini php/[root@open-source salt]# cd software/[root@open-source software]# cp -p /usr/src/php-5.5.5.tar.gz .[root@open-source software]# cp -p /usr/src/nginx-1.5.6.tar.gz .[root@open-source software]# cp -p /usr/src/mysql-5.6.14.tar.gz .[root@open-source software]# cd ../conf/[root@open-source conf]# touch nginx.sls mysql.sls php.sls pack.sls software.sls3.3 入口文件top配置在/srv/salt目录下面新建top.sls文件,该文件是Saltstack入口配置文件。Saltstack "top.sls"文件开头一般用base:书写,通配符'*'表示所有的minion,-conf.pack表示conf目录下面的pack.sls文件,在这里我定义的是RPM软件包管理。[root@open-source salt]# vim top.sls base: '*': - conf.nginx - conf.mysql - conf.php - conf.pack - conf.software3.4 安装mysql rpm包创建软件包管理的配置文件pack.sls 文件,httpd表示要安装软件包,pkg:表示Saltstack安装包管理,-name表示安装软件包名称,-installed表示安装,-removed表示卸载,service:表示Saltstack服务管理,后两行保证mysql的服务是开启的。[root@open-source conf]# cat pack.sls mysql: pkg: - name: mysql - installed service: - running - enable: True3.5 推送my.cnf文件创建Nginx sls配置文件nginx.sls ,第一行表示分发到minion文件路径,-managed表示Saltstack文件管理,-source:表示master端配置文件地址,是从master配置文件定义的路径/srv/salt开始查找的,下面三行表示文件的属性。[root@open-source conf]# cat mysql.sls /usr/local/mysql/conf/my.cnf: file: - managed - source: salt://mysql/my.cnf - user: mysql - group: mysql - mode: 644 - backup: minion3.6 测试结果[root@open-source conf]# salt '*' state.highstateopen2:---------- State: - file Name: /usr/local/mysql/conf/my.cnf Function: managed Result: True Comment: File /usr/local/mysql/conf/my.cnf updated Changes: diff: New file group: mysql user: mysql---------- State: - pkg Name: mysql Function: installed Result: True Comment: The following packages were installed/updated: mysql. Changes: openssl: { new : 1.0.1e-16.el6_5old : 1.0.0-27.el6_4.2} openssl-devel: { new : 1.0.1e-16.el6_5old : 1.0.0-27.el6_4.2} mysql-libs: { new : 5.1.71-1.el6old : 5.1.52-1.el6_0.1} mysql: { new : 5.1.71-1.el6old : } openssl-perl: { new : 1.0.1e-16.el6_5old : 1.0.0-27.el6_4.2} openssl-static: { new : 1.0.1e-16.el6_5old : 1.0.0-27.el6_4.2}---------- State: - service Name: mysql Function: running Result: False Comment: The named service mysql is not available Changes: Summary------------Succeeded: 2Failed: 1------------Total: 3注:提示3个成功一个失败,mysql服务没启动成功,应该是pack.sls配置文件的错误[root@open-source conf]# cat pack.sls mysqld: #这儿是服务名应该是mysqld我上边写的是mysql所以报服务没起来错误 pkg: - name: mysql #这儿是包名 - installed service: - running - enable: True[root@open-source conf]# salt '*' state.highstateopen2:---------- State: - file Name: /usr/local/mysql/conf/my.cnf Function: managed Result: True Comment: File /usr/local/mysql/conf/my.cnf is in the correct state Changes: ---------- State: - pkg Name: mysql Function: installed Result: True Comment: Package mysql is already installed Changes: ---------- State: - service Name: mysqld Function: running Result: True Comment: Service mysqld has been enabled, and is in the desired state Changes: mysqld: TrueSummary------------Succeeded: 3Failed: 0------------Total: 3卸载RPM软件包[root@open-source conf]# cat smb.sls smb: pkg: - name: samba - removed运行结果: [root@open-source conf]# salt '*' state.sls conf.smb open2:---------- State: - pkg Name: samba Function: removed Result: True Comment: All targeted packages were removed. Changes: samba: { new : old : 3.6.9-167.el6_5}Summary------------Succeeded: 1Failed: 0------------Total: 1其它altstack通过cp.get_file可以将master文件分发到minion,/software/httpd-2.4.3.tar.bz2表示把文件分发到minion上的文件路径,makedirs=True表示如果目录不存在自动创建,在传输大文件的时候还支持压缩传输,在传输大文件的时候还支持压缩传输gzip。 [root@salt-server ~]# salt '*' cp.get_file salt://software/httpd-2.4.3.tar.bz2 /usr/src/httpd-2.4.3.tar.bz2 makedirs=Truebt-199-034.bta.net.cn: /usr/src/httpd-2.4.3.tar.bz2cp.get_dir和cp.get_file一样,不过get_dir是用来下载整个目录的,也支持压缩传输。[root@salt-server ~]# salt '*' cp.get_dir salt://software/ /usr/src/ gzip=5四、用户管理4.1 添加harry用户生成密码[root@open-source ~]# openssl passwd -1 -salt 'harry' Password: $1$harry$DDLDUWLoTFUMB0biMDIv..top.sls文件[root@open-source salt]# cat top.sls base: '*': - conf.nginx - conf.mysql - conf.php - conf.pack - conf.software - user.users - user.userdel - user.addsudo - user.addgroup - user.delgroup[root@open-source user]# cat users.sls harry: user.present: - fullname: harry D - shell: /bin/bash - password: '$1$harry$DDLDUWLoTFUMB0biMDIv..' - home: /home/jarry - uid: 10001 - gid: 10001 - groups: - root - harry - require: - group: harry group.present: - gid: 10001运行结果因为有多个.sls文件,如果想单独运行某个的话salt '*' state.sls xxx[root@open-source user]# salt '*' state.sls user.usersopen2:---------- State: - group Name: harry Function: present Result: True Comment: Added group harry Changes: passwd: x gid: 10001 name: harry members: []---------- State: - user Name: harry Function: present Result: True Comment: New user harry created Changes: shell: /bin/bash workphone: uid: 10001 passwd: x roomnumber: gid: 10001 groups: ['harry', 'root'] home: /home/jarry fullname: harry D password: $1$harry$DDLDUWLoTFUMB0biMDIv.. homephone: name: harrySummary------------Succeeded: 2Failed: 0------------Total: 24.2 删除用户[root@open-source user]# cat userdel.sls harry: user.absent: - purge: True #设置清除用户的文件(家目录) - force: True #如果用户当前已登录,则absent state会失败. 设置force选项为True时,就算用户当前处于登录状态也会删除本用户. 运行结果[root@open-source user]# salt '*' state.sls user.userdelopen2:---------- State: - user Name: harry Function: absent Result: True Comment: Removed user harry Changes: harry group: removed harry: removedSummary------------Succeeded: 1Failed: 0------------Total: 14.3 添加sudo用户[root@open-source user]# cat addsudo.sls harry: user.present: - fullname: harry D - shell: /bin/bash - password: '$1$harry$DDLDUWLoTFUMB0biMDIv..' - home: /home/jarry - uid: 10001 - gid: 10001 - groups: - root - harry - require: - group: harry group.present: - gid: 10001/etc/sudoers: file.append: - text: - "harry ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL"执行结果[root@open-source user]# salt '*' state.sls user.addsudoopen2:---------- State: - group Name: harry Function: present Result: True Comment: Added group harry Changes: passwd: x gid: 10001 name: harry members: []---------- State: - user Name: harry Function: present Result: True Comment: New user harry created Changes: shell: /bin/bash workphone: uid: 10001 passwd: x roomnumber: gid: 10001 groups: ['harry', 'root'] home: /home/jarry fullname: harry D password: $1$harry$DDLDUWLoTFUMB0biMDIv.. homephone: name: harry---------- State: - file Name: /etc/sudoers Function: append Result: True Comment: Appended 1 lines Changes: diff: --- +++ @@ -113,3 +113,4 @@ ## Read drop-in files from /etc/sudoers.d (the # here does not mean a comment) #includedir /etc/sudoers.d+harry ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALLSummary------------Succeeded: 3Failed: 0------------Total: 34.4 添加组:[root@open-source user]# cat addgroup.sls devgroup: group.present: - gid: 10002yunwei: group.present: - gid: 1003运行结果:[root@open-source user]# salt '*' state.sls user.addgroupopen2:---------- State: - group Name: devgroup Function: present Result: True Comment: No change Changes: ---------- State: - group Name: yunwei Function: present Result: True Comment: No change Changes: Summary------------Succeeded: 2Failed: 0------------Total: 24.5 删除组[root@open-source user]# cat delgroup.sls devgroup: group.absent运行结果 [root@open-source user]# salt '*' state.sls user.delgroupopen2:---------- State: - group Name: devgroup Function: absent Result: True Comment: Removed group devgroup Changes: devgroup: Summary------------Succeeded: 1Failed: 0------------Total: 1